Lenovo has just created the sci-fi Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard

3:11:00 AM dickwyn 0 Comments

Besides announcing a smartwatch which looks bigger than it actually is, today Lenovo at their Tech World conference also announced a new concept smartphone which has a built in projector. We know, others have attempted this before but Lenovo's technology is the first to introduce physical touches from the projected image.

They're calling it Smart Cast and remember those rumors that Apple will include a Laster Projection Virtual keyboard on the alleged next iPhone, well Lenovo did it first here. Similar to those conceptual iPhone features, Lenovo's smartphone does indeed work and the Focus-free Laser which is being included ensures that the image projected will be sharp no matter what the surface it ends up being projected.

The possibilities are endless with this technology and Lenovo is already handing out some ideas on what we can expect to use if for. You can check out a fast motion video of Lang Lang playing on a virtual keyboard beamed from the Smart Cast smartphone from Lenovo.

Like the 'Magic View' smartwatch unveiled today in Beijing, the Smart Cast Laser projection system is still a prototype technology and whether it ends up making it to the market will greatly depend on the development process.

For all times sake, here is one of the existing concepts for the iPhone laser keyboard